Retus Bedroom
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Here's a "virtual" tour of the 'Retus Bedroom'

Hopefully, I'll remember to update this, but the main idea of this page is to give all the loyal patrons a weekly updated tour of my bedroom. Find out where "all the magic happens" and where I hide my cum sock...

The text box is weird on this page...Anyway, here's the "Wall of Stolen Stuff"

This is one of my most personal favorite parts of my room. It contains things such as posters or self serve root beer pull thingy from 7-11. Anything I steal that I can put on my wall, is up there. That doesn't include cups, mugs, snowboards, and countless other things. This all started in eighth grade, with the poster to the right of the "Country Pointe" poster. It's the one that says "Meet your child's Internet PenPal". It's my personal fave on that wall. One of the posters (the snoopy one) is stolen directly off the wall of the guidance office. This sums up my "Wall of Stolen Stuff." To get the full effect, please call and order your tickets early, because you need to see it to believe it. Each poster has its own unique story, each stolen with precise care and dedication. Don't accept the poser immitators who have attempted to copy me. Those would include, Matt Brown, Chris Rosenman, and Ryan Pulito. Those are all I'm aware of. So that's all for the "Wall of Stolen Stuff."   








Awwwwwwwww yeah!