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Here are some movies I think you should see:
well there are a few movies I can think of off hand that I think you should see. Those would include:

OFFICE SPACE (comedy)-truly a genius movie, the rest of the week after I saw it I did absolutely nothing. I remember I stayed after for math and just played solitaire for an hour.

BOONDOCK SAINTS (action)-this is more a of guy's movie. Blood, cursing, boobs, this movie's got everything. I realize most of you haven't heard of it, but ask anyone who's seen it, it's awesome.

WAITING FOR GUFFMAN (comedy)-this movie is amazingly funny. If you think gay people are funny, you'll like this movie (and if you don't, you'll still like it). It's about a really boring town that writes a play about their town.
That's it for now.

MONTY PYTHONS: THE QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL (comedy) did I forget this movie, thanks Jordan. This movie is by far, agreed by many, the funniest movie ever made. I don't know what else to say. It's hilarious. I mean, once Chris Patalano likes it, you know it has to be good...but then again he liked "Bring it On". It's about a group of knights (british knights...but not the annoying "can't stand their accents" britains, I mean funny brits.) who are on a "quest for the holy grail". You'll find funny quotes like, "We are the knights who say 'NI!'" and "She turned me into a newt!...A newt?....I got better..." It's funny, trust me. Check her out sometime.

UHF (comedy)- This movie's known by some, but not by all. But the "some" part all think this movie's one of the funniest movies out there. It was made by Weird Al. So right there is a good enough reason to see it, but wait, I'll tell you more. There's midgits in the movie, that lady that played the Nanny is in it. One of the scenes has a blind guy doing a rubix cube going to some hobo, "is this it?" "nope"....."is this it?" "nope". It's a funny movie. Ask Chris Patalano or Jordan or Ilana. They've all seen it. And all 3 loved it.

Here are some TV shows you should try...
MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATRE 3000 - Without sounding like a shitty Time magazine quote, this show makes my sides split. Ha ha...sorry but yeah this show's really funny. The crappy part is you're gonna have to watch the Sci-Fi Channel to see make sure no one's home when you do it so no one suspects you for planning to blow up our school or something. Anyway, channel 48, around I think like 8 or 9 on Saturday morning. The show has these 3 guys that make fun of old movies and it's me. That's it on MST.

FAMILY GUY - Channel 32 (Cartoon Network) at 11:30. Holy shit, is there a greater show on earth? The answer is no my friend, the answer is no. They came out with a Family Guy DVD.

SOUTH PARK - Always funny...for some. I'll let you watch the show just as long as you don't sue the two gay producers (yes they're gay, and not freshman gay I mean like Elton John gay).

THE MAN SHOW - Jordan and I were discussing how there isn't an episode of The Man Show that isn't funny. On the Wheel of Destiny part of the show, one of the things you would have to do is "smoke Adam's asshair" come on? it's funny. So watch it, Comedy Central (50).

THE DAILY SHOW - This show's always funny. It's a good relief from all the shit about the war. If you're unaware about this show, it's with Jon Stewart who is 'Frankenstein's' real father in "Big Daddy". It's great cause they make fun of all the news shows. Plus they make fun of Iraqis too! It's fun try her out one day. One of the reporters on the show had to talk about upcoming events for April, and he gets up to April 17th and he goes, "April 17th is passover. Which is the glorious Jewish holiday that reminds us that Easter is coming." Channel 50 at 5:30 for re-runs and 11:00 for new episodes.

THE SIMPSONS - Obviously I don't have to explain, you've all seen it, everyone likes it. But no show has ever compared to what's this show's accomplished. Think about it, "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey", the two oldest books EVER written. This is history. It's incredible how old these two books are. Then the teacher says, written by Homer. We immediately think of "Homer Simpson". Not the one billion year old man who wrote the two OLDEST BOOKS EVER! We think of the stupid lovable nuclear power plant worker cartoon character! This shows reached such greatness, no show will ever be able to compare.

TRIGGER HAPPY TV - I hate it when people compare this show to Jack-ass. It's not like Jack-ass people, I'm sorry. It's more genius and less jack-assy. This show's hilarious. This is the type of show like Jack-ass in that they do funny stuff in public and they see people's reactions. But this show has more thought put into it, cause it's not just people driving shopping carts into bushes. Yes, yes it's funny. We get it. This show does stuff like this one episode there was a guy asking these ladies for some money to support some obviously bullshit charity, and right behind him there was this huge sign on the building with a picture of the guy and it says in big letters "DON'T TRUST THIS MAN". And one time they got an ice cream van and people stopped to get ice cream from him and the guy came to the window, took the order, then closed the window, left the truck and stood in line behind the guy. Ha ha oh god I'm loling just thinking about it. I mean, listening to me talk about it isn't that funny but it's the best I can do. Watch it, it's on Comedy Central, I don't know what time though. **This show has gone downhill BIG TIME. Only the first season of episodes are worthy of the "TV List," sorry Trigger Happy, you officially bite the big one.** 

REAL TV - First off, Spike TV is amazing, just about every show on that channel is good, except goddamned Star Trek. Anyway, Real TV is on Spike TV and it's just home videos of amazing stuff, but it's not like those shitty police chases on fox where that fucking detective dick ruins everything he'll say stuff like "The bad guy thought he could get away until this 400 ton elephant falls into the road and kills everyone." That guy's annoying. Anyway, one time they had on a monster truck video and they show a guy get crushed by a monster truck twice. It's awesome. Then they had these 4 guys that were working on a water tower and then out of nowhere, the water tower breaks and falls over. It's ridiculous. Well, that's it. Real TV is on all the time, for those of you loyal to cable, it's channel 41. For those who aren't, it's probably channel 1,003,253,021.

THE DAVE CHAPPELL SHOW - This was probably the most dissappointing show ever put on the air. The first episode was amazing, it had Dave Chappell as a blind KKK member saying "I hate those niggers!" (Dave Chappell is black) And there were a few others that were incredibly hilarious. Then after each 5 minute skit, there'd be 10 minutes of commercials, then another 5 minute skit and 10 more minutes of commercials. It's only a half hour long. Do the math, cause I won't. It's like 3 5 minute skits. And sometimes you'll get a not-so-funny one. Anyway, it was a great show, but the amount of laughter you get doesn't add up to the amount of annoyance dealing with commercials.


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